Avipathi Chooram


Avipattikara Churna is one of the most effective Ayurvedic formulations to manage health problems due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha like acidity, indigestion and heartburn. These are either due to lack of physical activities, sedentary lifestyle or due to unhealthy eating habits.
Avipattikara Churna helps reduce excessive heat generated due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha and provides a cooling effect inside the body

Therapeutic Indications

However, it is beneficial in all PITTA disorders, but according to ingredients and clinical observation, Avipathi Choornam mainly works well on SAMA PITTA. SAMA PITTA is the condition when Pitta is associated with AMA (toxins). The main symptoms of SAMA PITTA condition are as follows:

  • Sour Belching

  • Foul Smell

  • Burning sensation in the throat

  • Heartburn (burning sensation in the chest)

  • Feeling of heaviness in the body

Avipathi Choornam gives promising results in these symptoms. In addition to these symptoms, it can be used in following health conditions:

  1. Gastritis

  2. GERD

  3. Mild constipation with foul smelling stools

  4. Loss of appetite

  5. Stomatitis

  6. Migraine

  7. Headache with feeling of burning sensation in the head or forehead

  8. Excessive thirst

  9. Exhaustion due to heat

  10. Dizziness

  11. Hepatitis & Jaundice

Avipathi Choornam Benefits & Uses

The main effect of Avipathi Choornam is observed on the digestive system. It helps rectifying the digestive juices and eliminating the AMA linked with Pitta.


Avipathi Choornam is a drug of choice in ayurveda for heartburn and it is truly effective for treating it. The most common cause of heartburn is acid flowing back up into the food pipe (esophagus). Avipathi Choornam helps preventing the acid flow into the esophagus by pushing the acid back into the stomach and rectifying its secretion and reducing excess production. Further, it also provides strength to the weakened lower esophageal sphincter and helps in proper relaxation, which allows content to flow down into the stomach.


Avipathi Choornam excellently works in acute as well as chronic gastritis. It reduces inflammation of stomach linings. It should be used when patient has burning ache or sensation in the abdomen along with feeling of fullness after eating.

Please note it should not be used in abdominal cramps, which is a type of spasmodic pain, but it is highly beneficial for burning type pains present in upper abdomen. For best results, Kamdudha Ras should also be used along with it. If patient also has constipation, then it should be used along with Praval Pishti, Giloy Sat and Yashtimadhu Churna instead.

Nausea & Vomiting

Avipathi Choornam is beneficial when patient has sour taste in mouth or expelling out sour vomitus. It can be used as supportive remedy along with Sutshekhar Ras or Kamdudha Ras in such cases.


Avipathi Choornam has mild laxative action due to presence of Nishoth (Turpeth). However, it does not contain significant quantity of Nishoth to work in moderate to severe constipation, but it can work when someone has mild constipation, stool is sticky and having foul smell. In such cases, it should be used at night in dosage of 6 grams or 1 teaspoon with warm water.

Avipathi Choornam for Weight Loss

All ingredients in Avipathi Choornam except Misri help reducing weight. Many doctors recommend it to obese or overweight patients with Aggravated Pitta symptoms. In such cases, it is most suitable. Contrarily, it may not give results in people having no Pitta symptoms.

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