
5 Actions of Ayurveda

Shodana therapies focus on deep detoxification and purification, suitable for chronic or severe conditions, while Shamana therapies aim at symptom management and relief, making them more appropriate for less severe imbalances or as a post-purification maintenance strategy in Ayurveda.

The choice between Shodana and Shamana therapies depends on the individual's health condition and Ayurvedic practitioner's recommendations.

Shodana (Purification) Therapies:

  1. Objective: Shodana therapies primarily aim at removing accumulated toxins (ama) from the body and balancing the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). They are focused on deep detoxification and rejuvenation.

  2. Intensive Cleansing: Shodana therapies are intense and involve procedures like Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation), Basti (enema), and Raktamokshana (bloodletting) to eliminate impurities and toxins from the body.

  3. Duration: Shodana therapies often require a longer duration and careful preparation, including dietary restrictions and herbal preparations, before and after the treatment.

  4. Indications: They are typically recommended for individuals with chronic diseases, severe imbalances, or those in need of deep purification.

  5. Outcome: Shodana therapies provide a comprehensive detoxification process that addresses the root cause of health issues, leading to long-term healing and balance.

Shamana (Palliative) Therapies:

  1. Objective: Shamana therapies aim at alleviating the symptoms of a condition and providing relief. They do not involve extensive detoxification or purification.

  2. Symptom Management: Shamana therapies focus on managing specific symptoms or imbalances by using herbs, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications.

  3. Duration: They are typically shorter in duration and do not require the extensive preparation or post-treatment measures seen in Shodana therapies.

  4. Indications: Shamana therapies are suitable for individuals with less severe health issues, temporary imbalances, or as a follow-up to Shodana therapies to maintain balance.

  5. Outcome: The primary goal of Shamana therapies is to provide symptomatic relief and improve the quality of life, but they may not address the underlying cause as deeply as Shodana therapies.

Panchakarma Inspired Therapies At Home

  • Yoni Steaming

    Yoni Dhoomapan, also known as Yoni Steaming, is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves sitting over a pot of steaming herbal water to cleanse and nourish the female reproductive system. This therapy is believed to help regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate menstrual cramps, improve fertility, and promote overall vaginal health. The steam from the herbal water carries the medicinal properties of the herbs into the vaginal tissues, balancing the pH, increasing circulation, and reducing inflammation. Common herbs used in yoni steaming may include mugwort, rosemary, lavender, and calendula. It's important to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before trying yoni steaming to ensure safety and effectiveness for your individual needs.

  • Nabi Oil Retention & Castor Oil Pack

    Experience the synergistic benefits of Nabi oil retention and a castor oil pack, a rejuvenating ritual rooted in ancient Ayurvedic wisdom.

    Benefits: Balances menstrual cycles, Alleviates menstrual discomfort, Supports fertility, Enhances vaginal health

    During your session, indulge in the therapeutic application of Nabi oil retention and a castor oil pack. Nabi oil, rich in nourishing botanicals, is gently massaged onto the skin, followed by the application of a soothing castor oil pack. This combination harnesses the healing properties of both oils to deeply penetrate the tissues, promoting balance, circulation, and vitality in the female reproductive system.

    Prior to your session, our Ayurvedic practitioner will conduct a personalized consultation to ensure the treatment is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring maximum safety and effectiveness. Experience the transformative power of Nabi oil retention and castor oil packs, nurturing your well-being from the inside out.

  • Potli Warm Oil Massage

    Potli warm oil massage is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves using warm herbal poultices filled with a combination of medicated herbs, spices, and oils. These poultices are heated and gently massaged over the body, providing relaxation, relieving muscle tension, promoting circulation, and detoxifying the body. The herbal ingredients vary and may include ginger, turmeric, cloves, ajwain, and others.

    This therapy is recommended for joint pain, muscle stiffness, inflammation, and stress-related conditions. Always consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before undergoing this treatment.

  • Snehana Therapy: External Oil Retention

    Snehana therapy, an ancient Ayurvedic practice, involves the application of warm herbal oils to specific areas of the body, known as "Sthana" in Sanskrit, followed by a period of rest to allow deep penetration. These areas include:

    Prishta (Back), Hridaya Pradesha (Heart Region), Merudanda (Spine), Janu (Knees), Nabhi (Belly Button)

    This therapy, also known as "Snehana," nourishes joints, muscles, and connective tissues, promoting flexibility, mobility, and overall well-being. It relieves muscle tension, supports spinal health, promotes cardiovascular health, reduces joint pain and inflammation, and enhances relaxation. Administered under guidance, it balances doshas, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

Panchakarma Practices Facilitated in Bali or India